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G. H. 100 Series

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Hollow shaft encoder axis inside diameter Ø 25mm, (Ø 30mm, Ø 35mm, Ø 38mm , Ø 42mm , Ø 45mm, Ø50mm in order) Housing diameter Ø 90mm. Easy installation by means clamping Shaft &flex bracket flange stable output ragged and extremely thin hollow shaft encoder for extension of power motor


Power motor & 3phase current motor with frequency transformation system construction & elevators

Technical Specifications

Output wave Square Wave
Output Signals Pullpush(A,B,Z)Line Driver( A,-A, B,-B,Z,-Z Phase)
Current Consumptions ≤ 180mA
Response Frequency 0-120 KHz
Output Phase Difference 90˚ ± 45˚
Supply Voltage 5 DC, 5-12 DC, 12-24 DC.
Signal Level Vm≥ 85% Vcc, Vi≤ 0.3 V
No of pulses 512, 600,1000, 1024, 2000, 500,3600,3800,4096,5000, 7200,120、200、360、500、512、600 ,720、1000、 1024、1200、2048、 (Other number of pulses available on request)
Output circuit Open collector NPN, pull-push, line driver, voltage.
Speed without sealing 4000 rmp.
Starting torque without sealing ≤ 5.0x, 10-3 N-m (+25˚C)
Maximum load permitted on shaft Radial 20 N, Axial 10 N
Shock resistance 980m/s2,6ms,2times each on XYZ
Vibration proof 50m/s2, 10-200 Hz, Two Hour each on XYZ
Working Life MTBF≥50000h (+25C,2000rpm)
Weight App.460 gm(15 pin rectangle plug radial)
Working Humidity 30-85%(No Condensation)
Storage Temperature -30C- 85°C
Working Temperature -10C-70°C
Protection Glass IP50

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Hollow Shaft Encoders, Handy Mpg Unit, Spiral Cable For Handy Mpg Unit, 4 Station Turret Encoders, G. S. 38 Series, G. S. 50 Series, G. S. 50 S Series, G. S. 58 Series, G. S. 58. 6 Series, G. S. 58. 10 Series, G. S. 58. 15 Series, G. H. 38 Series, G. H. 60 Series, G. H. 80 Series, G. H. 100 Series, G. M. 74 Series, G. M. 75 K Series, G. W. 60 Series, G. W. 60. 2 Series, G. W. 80. 1 Series, 14 Core And 24 Core Spiral Cable For Handy Mpg, 4 Station Turret Encoder